Hi! My name is Carrie.
I am a energy and frequiency shifting specialist.
Welcome, I will tell you a bit about myself. My mission right here and right now is to help rise collective consciousness by helping other mission souls disconnect from negativity and embark on a soul awakening journey of liberation. Connecting and working with the elements of mind, body, spirit. I have been playing with and connecting deeply with vital force energy since 2005. I am a Reiki Master; Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner®; Advanced Soul Realignment; Quantum Coach. I am very devoted to helping souls tap into deep layers and understanding of worthiness, waking up those pieces of themselves that have been trapped or numb so they can truly wake up and live. I know from my own awakening journey that you get to a point when there are gentle (and maybe not so gentle) knowings that come into play along the way. I have come to understand and know that “when there is Peace missing there is a “piece” missing.” I also come to know that when you are ready, and when you wake up those pieces that have been dormant or numb your consciousness expands and your life changes. It is possible to go from fighting to live or even survive to liberate yourself from all those negative attachments and almost like magic your life changes . . . just like taking a cool clean breath of fresh air your life can be that satisfying.
My journey started many years ago, I was a premature baby and spent 2 months in an incubator, with those around me looking at me with concern and expecting me to be feeble and likely not pull through. And instantly upon birth I was placed in that “special” category, putting me in a box that even as an infant I didn’t fit into. Against all odds and with a stroke of great perseverance I was able to finish growing my body on my own, giving me a great sense of independence and and unshakable trust in the connection with myself. I know that I am able to sustain or change anything in my life that I want, I have the right to be here, and I have the right to choose my life. As a youth and young woman my life was so amazing, my body was strong, flexible, healthy, and vibrant . . . everything I wanted. I did not realize there was any problems until I started having a family of my own. Something deep within me - that had been unseen until that point woke up and started causing all sorts of problems. I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease and my body literally attacked so severely for many years. I did not realize the medication I was on was harming my body until my doctor said you are far more likely to win the lottery than to get this into remission - you must get your thyroid killed off. What! I was devastated - I had never really resonated with being “sick” or unwell, I had not spoken about the disease like it was a part of me . . . but it was in that moment I decided to take back control of my life. . . to remember that I am worthy of being here, and I need to fight to live. So that is what I did. Part of what I knew that the doctor didn’t know - what his choice in words - the “you are more likely to win the lottery than to put this into remission.” He didn’t realize that one of the things that happened in my life is I did win the lottery - I had won a vehicle. . . I decided to go on what I call a “Healing Binge” and within 3 months the auto-immune disease was in remission and has not been active since (for about 10 years now). During the “Healing Binge” I had the most profound awakenings within myself and reconnected with the essence of my journey and mission here . . . a mission soul and a light soul connecting and paving the path for others craving liberation and ready to wake up. A few years later, after escorting both of my parents to death I thought to myself “I need to get myself aligned or I will be the next on the “chopping block”’ . . . and I tried, but the thing is at that moment time my worthiness was so tied up in grief and group consciousness that I had I had to focus so hard on my connection . . . it was like I had forgotten a piece of myself and I had taken on some energy that was not mine - some burdens that were not mine to bare, and something I have learned is that when I take on things that I didn’t create - I can’t deal with them and they make me sick. Trying to deal with the hurt and trauma of what seemed like everyone around me was going though made me sick! It made me neglect the parts of my life that actually needed attention. . . I remember driving my kids to school and there was the regular “morning fight” and that is so misaligned to who I am . . . I had had enough I said with all of my heart “this is the last day things are like this” . . . boy was I right later that day I was passing out from blood loss and almost not alive - I had to make a choice in that moment - “live or die” and I had to choose to get back in my body and truly live. It was time for a deeper awakening, sharing with the world that I am worthy of being here, I have a right to live, I trust myself - this time it was a true journey of liberation. Each time my body said “Carrie wake up and live” I up-levelled my connection and stepped more deeply into my purpose, I know my life has given me gentle cues along the way, that became stronger. When I didn’t listen - the pain and suffering became stronger, I needed to fight to live, I needed to alchemize and release what wasn’t aligned to me, and needed to wake up and truly live. The liberation journey is profound and deeply touches your soul . . . but I suspect you already know that.
I have so much gratitude for all of the “way showers”, healers, and friends that have supported my journey to liberation. I have spent many years studying and practicing in the energy healing field. The “fight to live” that I have spoken about here has been very literal for me - but in reality it has run much deeper and has been a very deep soul reconnection and metaphorical fight to live, and choice to allow the dormant, stuck constrained parts of myself wake up and come alive. I have helped hundreds of souls on their journey of liberation and purpose, I look forward to our connection. We all have light workers and way showers along our journey - I am happy to be one of yours.
  • Identify and Dealing With Energetic Blocks / Restrictoins - like an and outdated family vow of sacrifice - how to unwind from that and move forward now. 100% 100%
  • Work with the inner child, past lifetimes, and universal (quantum energy) 100% 100%
  • Work with the "unseen" for example - dowsing, core or genetic beliefs, etc. 100% 100%
Love Notes
I had an enlightening session with Carrie working Theta healing with me. I went with an open heart and mind. So many issues were quickly resolved. Thrilled.
D. H.

Carrie is amazing. Her personality will make you feel completely at ease. She does wonderful work that will have a hugely positive impact on your life!
A. R.

Thank you Carrie For all that you are and all that you do. Humanity is in great need of more people like you.
L. V.

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