Carrie Butcher
My name is Carrie, my mission is your freedom. Freedom from blocks and restrictions that have shut you down. Freedom from rejection, freedom from loneliness, and freedom from the overriding patterns of rejecting and neglecting pieces of yourself. In the process of freedom you will identify and dissolve the blocks and limitations that bound you at a core and energetic level, so you can activate the powerful expression of your Soul. When you are a heart centred soul you are truly meant to live, to be satisfied right now, and to know with all of your heart that you belong. I would love to make space to connect with you right now.
Quick Fix
This is a single session - Energy Healing Session. Where you are pretty sure it is just a smaller issue and can be dealt with and resolved in a one session.
Fun Friday
Fun Friday “Fun Friday” will take you from constantly in maintenance mode to high frequency positive vibes every week. Giving you freedom with your time and energy to the awesome things that you want to do in your life. Every week on Friday a new positive, high frequency clearing and healing energy focused on unplugging from old / heavy / dense energy to a sustainable state of tuned in, tapped in, and turned on positive energy flowing in. Fun, Focus, and Freedom Every Week for 26 weeks.
Soul Realignment
This is the session that you will get an indepth soul reading. Supporting your divine soul's blueprint and shining a light on soul level blocks and restrictions (of course "clearing" is included).
Hi! My name is Carrie
I am a frequiency and energy healing specialist.
Welcome, I am so glad you are here, let me tell you a bit about who I am. My mission tap into freedom and raise collective consciousness so much that there expansion and abundance surrounding all of you mission souls. I love mentoring other mission souls and heart centered women as they unplug from negativity and embark on soul awakening journeys of freedom. Every day as part of my practice and really part of who I am, I take my space and connect with nature and connect with the elements of mind, body, and spirit. Now it seems strange to think how long I have been doing this impactful soul awakening work. I have been playing in the quantum field and connecting deeply with vital force energy since 2005 - eek yes I did say 2005. I think I love it even more now than when I started... I am a Quantum Coach; Reiki Master; Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner®; Advanced Soul Realignment; Soul Realignment For Business; Intuitive Channel. All of this being said know that I am very devoted to helping you experience freedom, belonging, and soul satisfaction. It is such an honour and so much fun to mentor on a soul level as you uncover a new awakening. I would love to share this with you. It is my mission to hold a space space of peace and understanding, as you unplug from slave codes and negativity that has kept you trapped or numb. It is my deepest hope that you truly wake up and live, that you find soul satisfaction, and that you will wake up the pieces that have been locked down in rejection or dormancy - so you can experience freedom and unconditional experience of belonging. My mission is to help you be at peace and within yourself and you get to experience freedom while you are there.

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